New Blog! Have you had your Manna today?


This is the first post in what I hope will be an ongoing blog!

My original concept for the blog was to name it…drumroll… ‘Manna Minute’

For various reasons ‘Manna Minute’ did not pan out.

But here is the heart behind it:

In Exodus 16 we find the Israelites wandering in the wilderness complaining to Moses (and ultimately to God) that they are tired and hungry.  Maybe it’s time to go back to Egypt?

God provides them with a daily source of sustenance: manna. 

What is Manna? 

From Exodus 16:15,

When the people of Israel saw it, they said to one another, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was. And Moses said to them, “It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat.

In Hebrew, the word manna literally means, “WHAT IS IT?!” 

That’s how I feel about this blog.  What is it?  I don’t fully know yet.  But I think a clue comes from a deeper meaning in what manna represents. 

The manna God provides the Israelites is a white flaky bread that appears on the ground each morning.  It’s food for the day.  And here’s the wild thing – you can’t keep it!  If you try to hoard manna, it spoils by the next day. 

Manna is a reminder that you need to daily rely on God for His provision. 

That’s my hope with this blog.  That each post is not only of interest to you, but that it points you to the One who we all need to lean into, daily, for provision.

Give us this day our daily bread.” | Jesus in Matthew 6:11

Thanks for making it to the bottom – hope you’ll join me for future posts!


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